Unpacking the G-20 Summit 2023: Everything You Need to Know About G20 in 'Bharat'

G20 Summit in India

Points that going to be covered in this article today

Significance of India hosting the G20 Summit.

Overview of the G20 and its role in global governance.

Attendance of world leaders at the summit, including President Joe Biden, President Xi Jinping's absence, and others.

The G20's focus on economic cooperation and challenges.

The New Delhi Declaration and its key highlights.

The resolution of contentious "Ukraine paragraphs" in the declaration.

Inclusion of the African Union as a permanent member of the G20.

India's role in facilitating consensus and the inclusion of the African Union.

Launch of the Global Biofuels Alliance and its objectives.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's plea for a 20% global ethanol blending target.

Proposed G20 Satellite Mission for Environment and Climate Observation.

The need for increased financing to address global warming and reach net-zero emissions.

The focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and renewable energy capacity.

Tripling of renewable energy capacity by 2030.

Key highlights from the G20 Leaders' Declaration.

India's diplomatic initiatives and engagement with G20 nations.

China's stance on geopolitics and its role in the summit.

The importance of the "health of democracy" in India-U.S. relations.

PM Modi's public congratulations to the Congress party in the Karnataka Assembly election.

White House officials' views on the Karnataka election and democracy in India.

Launch of the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor.

India's engagement with Saudi Arabia and the strategic partnership.

Key projects and initiatives under Saudi Arabia's "Vision 2030."

Bilateral discussions between Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman and PM Modi.

Inclusion of Nigeria, Egypt, and Mauritius as "Guest Countries" at the G20 Summit.

The potential for the African Union's membership to enhance the G20's effectiveness.

Africa's industrialization and the role of G20 economies in investing.

Utilization of African resources for local manufacturing and economic development.

Challenges faced by Africa, including drought and conflicts.

Addressing the immigration issue and job security in Africa.

Africa's priority of achieving industrialization and becoming a market.

Impact of the Ukraine war on Africa's food and security.

African Union's discussions with South Africa and Russia regarding the war.

Concerns about the ban on rice exports from India and food supply in Africa.

The need for India's support in providing food supplies and capacity building in Africa.

The relationship between India and African countries.

Key outcomes and agreements reached during the G20 Summit.

Expectations for future cooperation among G20 members.

The role of India as a diplomatic host and its expanding footprint in Africa.

The G20's commitment to climate change mitigation and environmental observation.

The role of renewable energy in achieving climate goals.

The importance of financing for climate initiatives and energy transition.

G20's acknowledgment of differentiated responsibilities in climate action.

The potential impact of G20 decisions on the global economy and climate.

G20's efforts to bridge gaps between developed and developing nations.

The role of emerging economies in shaping G20 outcomes.

The global context of the G20 Summit and its implications for international relations.

India's diplomatic achievements and contributions as the host nation.

Introduction to the Article

G-20 Summit 2023 in ‘Bharat’: The 18th G-20 Summit recently took center stage in the vibrant city of Delhi, India. This global gathering witnessed the participation of representatives from 20 nations, marking a significant milestone as the African Union secured a permanent seat at the G-20 table.

The success of this G-20 summit holds paramount importance, especially for those preparing for competitive examinations such as UPSC, SSC, PCS, and beyond. To cater to this vital need, we've compiled comprehensive insights into the 18th G-20 meeting held in Delhi.

In this article, we'll delve into the key highlights and crucial takeaways from this prestigious event, offering you an invaluable resource to stay informed and prepared for your competitive exams.

Let's start on this insightful journey-


Facts About G20-Summit Held in India:

We have listed some notable facts about the G-20 Summit held in India below:

Event Name

G-20's 18th Summit


September 9-10, 2023

Location of G20 in India

Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi, India

Host Country


When did India Get the Presidency of the G20

1st of December 2022

Key Participants

Leaders and representatives from 20 major economies, including the U.S., Brazil, China, Russia, and the EU. African Union joined as a permanent member.

G-20 2023 Theme

One Earth, One Family, One Future

Initiatives Launched

Global Biofuels Alliance, G-20 Satellite Mission for Environment and Climate Observation, India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor, and Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII).

G-20 Members

Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, European Union

African Union has become a Permanent member of G20, Now G20 has become G21.

Representatives Present in G20 Summit 2023

Confirmed G20 Attendees:

Narendra Modi: India’s Prime Minister
Joe Biden - US President
Rishi Sunak - UK Prime Minister
Fumio Kishida - Japan Prime Minister
Justin Trudeau - Canada's Prime Minister
Emmanuel Macron - French President
Anthony Albanese - Australia Prime Minister
Olaf Scholz - German Chancellor
Yoon Suk Yeol - South Korea President
Cyril Ramaphosa - South Africa President
Recep Tayyip Erdogan - Turkey President

Representatives Absent in G20 Summit 2023

Notable Absentees:

Xi Jinping - Chinese President (Represented by Li Qiang)
Vladimir Putin - Russian President (Represented by Sergei Lavrov)
Pedro Sanchez - Spain President (COVID-19 positive)
Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador - Mexico President

Non-G20 Member Attending

Leaders of Bangladesh, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Egypt, Mauritius, Oman, Singapore, Spain, and the United Arab Emirates have been invited by India.

Focus Areas

Discussions centered on finance for climate action, global economic recovery, energy transition, and ensuring equitable development.

Significant Topics that Discussed

  1. Climate Change and Clean Energy Transition
  2. Multilateral Banks and Poverty Alleviation
  3. Geopolitical Tensions
  4. Economic Slowdowns
  5. Rising Food and Energy Prices
  6. Inclusive Growth
  7. Labour Rights and Welfare
  8. Global Skills Gap
  9. Agricultural Value Chains
  10. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  11. Technology and Digital Infrastructure
  12. Knowledge Sharing
  13. Reforming Multilateralism
  14. Women-led Development
  15. Regional and Global Security

Primary Objectives

The summit aimed to address pressing global challenges, including climate change, sustainable development, and economic stability.

Global Biofuels Alliance

The Global Biofuels Alliance was launched to promote the use of sustainable biofuels globally, with a focus on affordability and supply security.

Climate Finance Commitment

G-20 leaders acknowledged the need for significant financial support, with an estimated $5.8-5.9 trillion required for developing countries to achieve "net zero" emissions by 2050.

Green Credit Initiative

Discussions included the possibility of a Green Credit Initiative, ensuring a stable energy supply while contributing to climate security.

Renewable Energy Targets

Leaders encouraged tripling renewable energy capacity by 2030 and doubling energy efficiency improvement rates by 2030.

India's Proposal

India proposed the G-20 Satellite Mission for Environment and Climate Observation to benefit all of humanity and invited G-20 countries to join the initiative.

Economic Corridor Project

India, Saudi Arabia, the U.S., and the EU launched the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor to enhance trade and connectivity among the regions.

Who’ll get the next G21 Presidency?

Brazil (PM Narendra Modi handed over the Presidency of G21 to the President of Brazil ‘Lula Da Silva’)


G20 Summit 2023 Held in India’s Heart

The G20 Summit 2023 took center stage in the heart of India, as New Delhi played host to some of the world's most influential leaders. This global gathering, held in the capital city, brought together representatives from 20 major economies to deliberate on critical issues facing the world today. The summit, hosted by India, showcased the country's growing role in shaping the global agenda.

With the theme "One Earth, One Family, One Future," the G20 Summit 2023 aimed to address pressing challenges ranging from climate change and sustainable development to economic growth and geopolitical tensions. It provided a platform for world leaders to engage in meaningful discussions, forge partnerships, and seek solutions to the world's most complex problems

The summit emphasized India's priorities, which included a strong focus on green development and climate finance, promoting inclusive and resilient growth, accelerating progress on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), advancing technological transformation, advocating for multilateral institutions of the 21st century, and championing women-led development.

Understanding the G20's Global Significance

We have mentioned some key significance of this summit below:

1.    Economic Stability: G20 countries work together to maintain global economic stability, coordinating policies to prevent financial crises and ensure steady growth.

2.       Trade Promotion: They support international trade, invest in trade infrastructure, and remove barriers, fostering economic cooperation among nations.

3.       Financial Governance: The G20 enforces regulations and policies to govern the global financial system, maintaining monetary stability and preventing economic turbulence.

4.       Green Initiatives: G20 nations prioritize environmentally friendly practices, pushing for sustainable development and reduced environmental impact.

5.       Climate Finance: They commit to financing projects that combat climate change and build climate-resilient infrastructure, addressing environmental challenges.

6.       Inclusive Growth: The G20 focuses on reducing income inequality and promoting economic opportunities for all, especially marginalized groups.

7.       Resilient Development: G20 countries emphasize building resilience to economic shocks, ensuring long-term stability and growth.

8.       SDG Acceleration: They work to accelerate progress toward achieving the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, addressing global challenges like poverty and inequality.

9.       Technological Advancements: G20 promotes innovation and knowledge-sharing, particularly in developing digital public infrastructure, enhancing sectors like agriculture and education.

10.   Multilateral Cooperation: These nations advocate for a reformed international system that is more inclusive, accountable, and representative, capable of addressing contemporary global issues.

11.   Conflict Resolution: G20 fosters diplomatic dialogue to resolve geopolitical tensions and prevent conflicts, contributing to global peace and stability.

12.   Women-Led Development: Empowering women across sectors fosters inclusive economic growth, recognizing the critical role women play in sustainable development.

13.   Resource Management: Ensuring equitable access to essential resources like energy and food, promoting sustainable utilization for long-term global benefit.

14.   Global Health: Collaborative efforts in health crises, strengthening healthcare systems, and ensuring global health security against pandemics.

15.   Infrastructure Investment: Investing in infrastructure projects supports economic growth and strengthens global connectivity, boosting trade and development.

16.   Financial Inclusion: Expanding access to financial services to underserved populations, reducing poverty, and promoting economic stability.

17.   Social Inclusion: Addressing social disparities and promoting inclusive societies where all individuals can thrive.

18.   Education Access: Ensuring quality education is accessible to all, fostering human capital development and economic progress.

19.   Digital Economy: Advancing digitalization to enhance economic productivity, trade, and innovation.

20.   Sustainable Agriculture: Supporting sustainable agricultural practices for food security, rural development, and environmental preservation.

New Delhi Declaration: Forging Consensus Amid Challenges

In G-20's 18th Summit in New Delhi, the Declaration was accepted by all the member countries without any Blockage/Veto. The G-20 Summit in New Delhi made a significant breakthrough by finding agreement on a contentious issue related to Ukraine and by welcoming the African Union as a new member. 

This progress was achieved thanks to a joint proposal put forward by Indonesia, India, Brazil, and South Africa. They worked hard on this proposal, negotiating late into the night on Friday and again on Saturday.

This development shows that the United States, the European Union, and the G-7 countries have softened their criticism of Russia compared to last year's G-20 statement. During the second session of the summit, India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi shared this positive news with the other leaders. 

He not only proposed that they accept the New Delhi G-20 Leaders' Summit Declaration but also quickly declared it accepted with a firm tap of his gavel, a day earlier than planned.

India's External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar and India's G-20 Sherpa acknowledged that Indonesia, India, Brazil, South Africa, and Japan, the current President of the G-7+ EU bloc, played crucial roles in reaching this consensus. 

This achievement demonstrates the ability of emerging markets to work together, drawing from their history of cooperation, particularly as all four countries had previously been part of the Non-Aligned Movement.


India's Diplomatic Triumph: Facilitating Inclusion

India's role in the G-20 Summit 2023 was marked by a significant diplomatic triumph – facilitating inclusion and consensus on critical global issues. Here are ten key points highlighting India's diplomatic success:

1.       Ukraine Paragraphs Resolution: India played a pivotal role in brokering consensus on the contentious "Ukraine paragraphs." This diplomatic achievement showcased India's ability to mediate and find common ground among G-20 members with varying stances.

2.       African Union Membership: India successfully advocated for the inclusion of the African Union (AU) as a permanent member of the G-20. This move strengthens the G-20 by enhancing its global representation and promoting cooperation with African nations.

3.       Shift in Global Alliances: India's diplomatic efforts led to a notable shift in global alliances, with the G-20 adopting a more balanced approach, moving away from harsh criticism of Russia seen in previous statements.

4.       Leaders' Declaration: Prime Minister Narendra Modi's proactive announcement and adoption of the New Delhi G-20 Leaders' Summit Declaration underscored India's leadership and diplomatic acumen.

5.       Joint Proposal: India, along with Indonesia, Brazil, and South Africa, presented a joint proposal that served as the foundation for the breakthrough on contentious issues. This collaborative approach showcased India's commitment to fostering consensus.

6.       Historical Collaboration: India's role in forging consensus highlighted its strong history of cooperation with emerging markets and regional partners, contributing to a more inclusive and balanced global dialogue.

7.       International Recognition: India's success in facilitating inclusion and resolution garnered international recognition and praise, reaffirming its growing diplomatic influence on the global stage.

8.       Supporting Emerging Markets: India's diplomatic triumph aligned with its commitment to supporting emerging markets' interests and concerns, reflecting its dedication to equitable global governance

9.       Bridge Builder: India served as a bridge builder, bridging differences between major global players, which is essential for addressing complex global challenges effectively.

10.   Continued Leadership: India's diplomatic achievements at the G-20 Summit highlight its continued leadership in fostering international cooperation, consensus-building, and pursuing inclusive global solutions.

Green Initiatives: Global Biofuels Alliance Launched

In a significant move towards sustainable and eco-friendly energy solutions, the G-20 Summit 2023 witnessed the launch of the Global Biofuels Alliance. This pioneering initiative aims to address critical environmental challenges and promote the use of biofuels on a global scale. Here are key highlights of the Global Biofuels Alliance launched during the G-20 Summit:

1.       Promoting Sustainable Energy: The Global Biofuels Alliance is committed to promoting sustainable energy sources, with a primary focus on biofuels. Biofuels are derived from organic materials, making them a renewable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional fossil fuels.

2.       Reducing Carbon Emissions: Biofuels offer a promising solution to reduce carbon emissions, a major contributor to climate change. By using biofuels, countries can significantly lower their carbon footprint and combat global warming.

3.       Enhancing Energy Security: Biofuels contribute to enhancing energy security by diversifying energy sources. They offer an alternative to fossil fuels, reducing dependency on volatile oil markets and geopolitical tensions.

4.       Global Collaboration: The Alliance brings together G-20 member nations, highlighting the importance of international collaboration in addressing environmental challenges. Cooperation among these major economies amplifies the impact of green initiatives.

5.       Research and Development: The Global Biofuels Alliance will support research and development efforts to advance biofuel technologies. This includes innovations in biofuel production, distribution, and utilization to make them more efficient and cost-effective.

6.       Rural Development: Biofuel production often involves agricultural activities, benefiting rural communities by creating jobs and boosting local economies. This aligns with the G-20's commitment to inclusive growth and sustainable development.

7.       Transition to Renewable Energy: The Alliance's launch signifies a collective commitment to transitioning from conventional fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. This transition is critical for achieving global climate goals.

8.       Environmental Conservation: Biofuels are derived from organic sources, reducing the environmental impact associated with fossil fuel extraction and processing. This aligns with the G-20's focus on environmental conservation.

9.       Clean Transportation: Biofuels can be used in various transportation modes, including automobiles, aviation, and maritime vessels. The Alliance aims to promote the adoption of biofuels in the transportation sector, contributing to cleaner and greener mobility.

10.   Long-Term Sustainability: The Global Biofuels Alliance is driven by a commitment to long-term sustainability. By fostering the use of biofuels, the Alliance envisions a cleaner, healthier planet for future generations.

Ethanol Blending: PM Modi's Call to Action

The Indian government aimed to achieve a 20% ethanol blending target in petrol by 2025 under the Ethanol Blended Petrol (EBP) Program. India had achieved an ethanol blending level of around 8-10% in petrol. India has been working on increasing its ethanol production capacity to meet the blending targets. Several sugar mills and distilleries were being used to produce ethanol from sugarcane and other feedstocks.

Ethanol blending in petrol helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promotes cleaner fuels, and supports the agricultural sector by providing an additional market for crops used in ethanol production. Here's why PM Modi's call to action on ethanol blending is significant:

1.       Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Ethanol, derived from renewable sources such as sugarcane and corn, significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions when blended with gasoline. This contributes to mitigating climate change and its adverse effects.

2.       Energy Security: By promoting ethanol blending, countries can enhance their energy security by reducing dependence on imported oil. This move aligns with the G-20's objective of ensuring stable and secure energy supplies.

3.       Supporting Agriculture: Ethanol production relies on agricultural crops, offering economic opportunities to farmers and boosting rural livelihoods. This synergy between agriculture and renewable energy aligns with inclusive growth objectives.

4.       Cleaner Air: Ethanol-blended fuels result in lower emissions of harmful pollutants, leading to improved air quality in urban areas. This has direct health benefits for citizens and reduces healthcare costs.

5.       Global Collaboration: PM Modi's call for ethanol blending underscores the importance of international collaboration among G-20 member nations. Sharing best practices and technologies can accelerate the adoption of this eco-friendly fuel.

6.       Technological Advancements: The call to action encourages investment in research and development to enhance ethanol production processes, making them more efficient and sustainable.

7.       Biofuel Innovation: Ethanol is a key component of the broader biofuel ecosystem, offering opportunities for innovation and technological advancements in the renewable energy sector.


Climate Action: G20 Satellite Mission Proposed

One of the significant outcomes of the G-20 Summit 2023 was India's proposal to launch the G-20 Satellite Mission for Environment and Climate Observation. This ambitious initiative is poised to play a pivotal role in addressing climate change and its far-reaching impacts. Here's why the G20 Satellite Mission is a crucial step toward global climate action:

1.       Enhanced Climate Monitoring: The G20 Satellite Mission aims to bolster climate monitoring efforts by providing accurate and real-time data on environmental changes. This data will be invaluable in tracking climate trends, assessing the impact of climate policies, and making informed decisions.

2.       Global Collaboration: The proposal to launch this mission underscores the importance of international collaboration among G-20 nations in combating climate change. It signifies a collective commitment to addressing a global challenge.

3.       Data for Decision-Making: Access to comprehensive satellite data will empower policymakers, scientists, and organizations worldwide to make evidence-based decisions to mitigate the effects of climate change and adapt to its consequences.

4.       Environmental Stewardship: The G20 Satellite Mission aligns with the principles of environmental stewardship and sustainable development. It reflects the G-20's dedication to preserving the planet for future generations.

5.       Transparency and Accountability: By openly sharing climate data, participating nations demonstrate transparency and accountability in their efforts to tackle climate change. This fosters trust among nations and encourages coordinated action.

6.       Climate Finance: Accurate data from the G20 Satellite Mission can facilitate the allocation of climate finance to regions and projects most in need, ensuring that resources are deployed effectively.

7.       Early Warning System: The mission can serve as an early warning system for natural disasters linked to climate change, such as hurricanes, droughts, and wildfires, enabling timely responses to protect lives and property.

8.       Global Impact: The G20 Satellite Mission doesn't benefit G-20 nations alone; it has the potential to positively impact all countries, especially vulnerable regions facing the brunt of climate change.

Global Energy Transition: Commitments and Challenges

The G-20 Summit 2023 in New Delhi witnessed crucial discussions and commitments regarding the global energy transition. Here, we delve into the key aspects of this transition, highlighting the commitments made by world leaders and the challenges that lie ahead:

1.       Renewable Energy Advancements: Leaders emphasized the need to accelerate the shift toward renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. Commitments were made to increase investments in renewable energy infrastructure.

2.       Carbon Neutrality Targets: Several countries reaffirmed their commitments to achieve carbon neutrality by mid-century. This involves reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero levels, a crucial step in combating climate change.

3.       Energy Efficiency: Leaders acknowledged the importance of energy efficiency in reducing emissions. They discussed strategies to improve energy efficiency in various sectors, from transportation to industry.

4.       Clean Technologies: Discussions revolved around the promotion of clean and sustainable technologies, including electric vehicles, hydrogen fuel cells, and carbon capture and storage (CCS) systems.

5.       Transition Financing: Leaders recognized the need for financing mechanisms to support the energy transition, particularly in developing countries. Discussions included mobilizing funds for clean energy projects and climate adaptation.

6.       Energy Access: Ensuring universal access to clean and affordable energy was a focal point. Leaders committed to addressing energy poverty and expanding energy access in underserved regions.

7.       Role of Fossil Fuels: While the transition to clean energy was emphasized, the role of fossil fuels in the current energy mix and the challenges of phasing them out were also discussed.

8.       Energy Security: Leaders recognized the importance of energy security in the transition process. They discussed strategies to ensure a stable energy supply during the transition.

9.       Technological Innovation: Discussions included the role of technological innovation in driving the energy transition. Leaders highlighted the need for research and development in clean energy technologies.

10.   Climate Adaptation: Alongside mitigation efforts, leaders acknowledged the importance of climate adaptation measures to address the impacts of climate change.

Challenges in the global energy transition include the scale of investments required, the need for international cooperation, and the urgency of taking action to limit global warming. However, the commitments made at the G-20 Summit signal a collective effort to address these challenges and move toward a more sustainable and resilient global energy system.

Economic Corridors: India's Expanding Influence

India's strategic vision for economic corridors is reshaping regional dynamics, fostering economic growth, and enhancing connectivity. These corridors, a network of road, rail, and maritime routes, serve as vital arteries for trade and development.

One of the standout initiatives is the North-South Transport Corridor, which spans 7,200 kilometers and connects India to Russia via Iran. This multimodal network significantly reduces transportation costs and time, facilitating smoother trade flows. 

The Chabahar Port project in Iran, in which India is actively involved, is a crucial component of this corridor, providing India access to Central Asia and Afghanistan, bypassing Pakistan.

The India-Myanmar-Thailand Trilateral Highway further boosts connectivity in Southeast Asia, promoting economic integration among these nations. India's role in this project cements its position as a key driver of regional economic growth. Inclusive Engagement: Guest Countries at the G20


Africa's Role: Strengthening the G20

The inclusion of the African Union (AU) as a permanent member of the G20 marks a significant step towards a more inclusive and representative global platform. Africa, with its diverse and growing economies, brings a unique perspective and set of challenges to the table.

1.       Diverse Representation: With 55 member states, the AU represents a wide range of interests and priorities, from addressing poverty and conflict to harnessing the continent's immense economic potential.

2.       Global South Voice: The AU's inclusion amplifies the voice of the Global South within the G20, ensuring that the concerns of developing nations are given due consideration in discussions on global economic issues.

3.       Infrastructure Investment: African countries seek greater investment in industrialization and infrastructure development. The G20's support in these areas can drive sustainable growth and job creation.

4.       Climate Action: Many African nations are vulnerable to climate change. The AU's presence emphasizes the importance of climate finance and technology transfer, aiding African countries in their adaptation and mitigation efforts.

5.       Trade Opportunities: The AU's participation opens doors for enhanced trade cooperation between Africa and the rest of the G20, promoting economic diversification and reducing dependence on primary commodities.

6.       Capacity Building: Collaborative efforts can focus on building African nations' capacity in areas such as healthcare, education, and technology, fostering human development.

7.       Conflict Resolution: With several African nations facing conflicts, the G20 can play a role in supporting peace initiatives and stability on the continent.

8.       Global Partnerships: The AU's presence encourages partnerships between African countries and other G20 members, fostering a spirit of collaboration in addressing global challenges.

Africa's integration into the G20 reflects the evolving dynamics of the global economy. As the continent continues to grow and assert its influence, its participation strengthens the G20's ability to tackle complex issues and shape a more equitable and prosperous world. This new chapter in G20 history holds the promise of meaningful change and cooperation for the benefit of all.

Industrialization and Investment: Africa's Priorities

The inclusion of the African Union (AU) as a permanent member of the G20 highlights Africa's aspirations for industrialization and increased investment. African nations have set ambitious goals to transform their economies and address critical challenges.

1.       Economic Transformation: Industrialization is central to Africa's economic transformation. The continent aims to move beyond resource-dependent economies, diversify production, and create value-added industries.

2.       Job Creation: Industrialization brings job opportunities. Africa's youthful population requires gainful employment, and industrial growth can provide livelihoods and reduce unemployment.

3.       Infrastructure Development: Industrialization necessitates robust infrastructure. Investments in roads, ports, energy, and digital connectivity are essential to support manufacturing and trade.

4.       Regional Integration: The AU emphasizes regional integration through initiatives like the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). Enhanced trade within the continent can drive economic growth.

5.       Sustainable Practices: Africa seeks sustainable industrialization, incorporating green technologies and environmentally conscious practices to minimize negative ecological impacts.

6.       Foreign Investment: Attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) is crucial. African countries aim to create favorable business environments and offer incentives to foreign investors.

7.       Inclusive Growth: African nations prioritize inclusive growth, ensuring that the benefits of industrialization reach marginalized populations and vulnerable communities.

8.       Innovation and Technology: Embracing innovation and technology is key to enhancing industrial competitiveness and productivity.

9.       Human Capital Development: Investment in education and skills development is vital to supply a competent workforce for industries.

10.   Global Partnerships: Collaboration with G20 members can facilitate technology transfer, financial support, and knowledge sharing to accelerate Africa's industrialization.

G20 Summit 2023: Red Sea International - Showcasing Saudi Tourism

The G20 Summit held in New Delhi in 2023 was not just a platform for global economic discussions but also an opportunity for member nations to showcase their innovative initiatives. Among them, Saudi Arabia's "Red Sea International" project took center stage, highlighting the kingdom's commitment to diversifying its economy and promoting tourism.

Key Highlights:

1.       Tourism Transformation

Red Sea International is a flagship project under Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030, a comprehensive plan aimed at reducing the nation's reliance on oil revenue. It represents the kingdom's ambitious efforts to transform its tourism sector.


2.       Geographical Splendor

Situated along the Red Sea coastline, this initiative spotlights the breathtaking natural beauty, historical sites, and underwater wonders of the region. The Red Sea coast offers an array of attractions, from coral reefs to ancient ruins.


3.       Economic Diversification

In line with Vision 2030, Red Sea International plays a pivotal role in diversifying Saudi Arabia's economy. By investing in tourism, the kingdom seeks to create a sustainable revenue stream beyond oil.


4.       Investment Opportunities

The project provides fertile ground for both domestic and international investors. It invites investments in hospitality, infrastructure, and various tourism-related ventures.


5.       Sustainable Tourism

Saudi Arabia is committed to responsible tourism development. Red Sea International emphasizes sustainability, aiming to protect the environment while fostering tourism growth.


6.       Job Creation

As tourism flourishes along the Red Sea coast, it is expected to generate numerous employment opportunities, particularly in the tourism and hospitality sectors.


7.       Global Appeal

The project's global appeal positions Saudi Arabia as a compelling tourism destination. It welcomes visitors from around the world, encouraging cultural exchange and international collaboration.


8.       Cultural Enrichment

Red Sea International allows tourists to immerse themselves in Saudi Arabia's rich culture, heritage, and traditions, providing a unique and immersive experience.


9.       Strategic Engagement

By showcasing Red Sea International at the G20 Summit, Saudi Arabia engages with the global community and fosters international partnerships in the tourism sector.


India’s Achievement on This G20’s 18th Summit 2023 in New Delhi

India achieved significant milestones during the G20's 18th Summit held in New Delhi:

1.       Adoption of the New Delhi Leaders Summit Declaration

India successfully facilitated a consensus among member states for the adoption of the New Delhi Leaders Summit Declaration, outlining key priorities and commitments.


2.       Crafting Solutions for All G20 Members

India's presidency crafted solutions that resonated with each G20 member, offering a shared path forward for all nations involved.


3.       Strengthening Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs)

Agreement on the need for better, bigger, and more effective MDBs was reached, with the establishment of the G20 Independent Expert Group on strengthening MDBs. This group submitted its first volume of the report.


4.       Boosting World Bank Financing Capacity

The G20 collectively agreed to enhance the World Bank's financing capacity, supporting global development initiatives.


5.       Roadmap for MDB Capital Adequacy Framework

Endorsement for the G20 roadmap for implementing recommendations of an independent panel on the capital adequacy framework for the MDBs, potentially unlocking an additional lending headroom of $200 billion over the next decade.


6.       Global Consensus on Crypto Regulation

India's presidency played a pivotal role in advancing global consensus on cryptocurrency regulation and clearer policies.


7.       Financial Inclusion and Digital Infrastructure

Recommendations were formulated to promote financial inclusion and enhance productivity through digital infrastructure.


8.       Debt Relief Framework

A consensus was reached on a debt relief framework for Zambia, Ghana, and Ethiopia, ensuring financial support for sustainable and resilient urban development.


9.       Progress in International Taxation

Significant progress was made on the exchange of information regarding immovable properties, contributing to advancements in international taxation.


10.   African Union's Permanent Membership

India welcomed the African Union as a permanent member of the G20, enhancing the organization's diversity and representation.

Conclusion: G-20 Summit in India

In Today’s article, we have provided you almost all the related information about G-20’s 18th Summit in India in detail. We have covered every single topic and events that have been happened during the summon of this summit. Eventually, we have added all the recent developments too, that may help you to cover your Current Affairs topics related to the UPSC Prelims and many other Competitive examinations.

This G-20 Summit is considered as the most successful G-20 Summit ever because India's G20 Presidency, which began on December 1, 2022, has emerged as the most ambitious in the organization's history. With a total of 112 outcomes and annexed documents, India has almost doubled the number achieved during Indonesia's Presidency (50 outcomes). This surpasses Italy (65 Outcomes), Saudi Arabia (30), Japan (29 Outcomes), Argentina (33 Outcomes), and Germany (22 Outcomes) in terms of outcomes.

We hope, we have succeeded to providing you the all the information about G20’s 18th Summit in most simplified way.


FAQ’s related to G-20’s 18th Summit in Delhi

Question-1: What is the G20 Summit in New Delhi?

Answer. The G20 Summit 2023 in New Delhi is a gathering of leaders from the world's largest economies to discuss global challenges and foster cooperation.


Question-2: Why is India hosting the G20 Summit?

Answer. India is hosting the G20 Summit to showcase its global diplomatic influence and engage in discussions on critical international issues.


Question-3: What is the G20's role in global governance?

Answer. The G20 plays a crucial role in global governance by addressing economic challenges and fostering cooperation among member nations.


Question-4: Who attended the G20 Summit, and who was absent?

Answer. Leaders Who Attended:
  • US President Joe Biden
  • UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak
  • Japan Prime Minister Fumio Kishida
  • Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
  • French President Emmanuel Macron
  • Australia Prime Minister Anthony Albanese
  • German Chancellor Olaf Scholz
  • South Korea President Yoon Suk Yeol
  • South Africa President Cyril Ramaphosa
  • Turkey President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Leaders Who Were Absent:
  • Chinese President Xi Jinping (represented by Premier Li Qiang)
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin (represented by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov)
  • Spain President Pedro Sanchez (absent due to testing positive for COVID-19)
  • Mexico President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador
Non-G20 Members Who Attended:
In addition to G20 members, India also invited leaders from Bangladesh, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Egypt, Mauritius, Oman, Singapore, Spain, and the United Arab Emirates.


Question-5: What are the G20's economic cooperation goals and challenges?

Answer. The G20 focuses on economic cooperation, addressing challenges like trade, climate finance, and labor rights.


Question-6: What is the New Delhi Declaration, and what are its key highlights?

Answer. The New Delhi Declaration is a joint statement that highlights consensus on global issues like climate change and Renewable Energy.


Question-7: How were the contentious "Ukraine paragraphs" resolved?

Answer. A proposal by India, Indonesia, Brazil, and South Africa led to consensus on the Ukraine issue.


Question-8: Why was the African Union included as a permanent member?

Answer. India played a significant role in facilitating the African Union's inclusion, and enhancing G20 representation.


Question-9: What is the Global Biofuels Alliance, and what are its objectives?

Answer. The Global Biofuels Alliance is a global initiative aimed at promoting the use of biofuels for sustainable energy, addressing climate change, ensuring energy security, fostering economic development, and advancing the development and adoption of biofuels technologies.

Question-10: Why did Prime Minister Narendra Modi propose a 20% global ethanol blending target?

Answer. PM Modi advocated for increased ethanol blending to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels.


Question-11: What is the G20 Satellite Mission for Environment and Climate Observation?

Answer. The G20 proposed a satellite mission to monitor environmental and climate data for informed policy decisions.


Question-12: Why is increased financing needed to address global warming and reach net-zero emissions?

Answer. Additional funding is essential to accelerate climate action and support clean energy transitions.


Question-13: How does the G20 plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and expand renewable energy capacity?

Answer. The G20 aims to triple renewable energy capacity by 2030 and cut emissions through sustainable practices.


Question-14: What were the key highlights of the G20 Leaders' Declaration?

Answer. The declaration outlined commitments on climate, energy transition, and global economic stability.


Question-15: What were India's diplomatic initiatives at the G20 Summit?

Answer. India engaged with various nations and discussed critical issues, enhancing diplomatic relations.


Question-16: What is China's stance on geopolitics and its role in the summit?

Answer. China's role in global politics was discussed, emphasizing the importance of a healthy democracy.


Question-17: Why did PM Modi congratulate the Congress party in the Karnataka Assembly election?

Answer. PM Modi recognized the democratic process and congratulated the Congress party for their victory.


Question-18: What is the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor?

Answer. It's an initiative promoting economic connectivity between India, the Middle East, and Europe.


Question-19: What are the key projects under Saudi Arabia's "Vision 2030"?

Answer. Vision 2030 focuses on diversifying Saudi Arabia's economy and developing sectors like tourism and energy. Also, The "Saudi Arabia-India Economic Corridor" is an initiative aimed at enhancing economic cooperation and connectivity between Saudi Arabia and India.


Question-20: What were the outcomes of bilateral discussions between Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman and PM Modi?

Answer. Discussions centered on strengthening strategic partnerships and fostering economic cooperation.


Question-21: Why were Nigeria, Egypt, and Mauritius included as "Guest Countries" at the G20 Summit?

Answer. These nations were invited to participate in discussions and share their perspectives on global issues.


Question-22: How can the African Union's membership enhance the G20's effectiveness?

Answer. The African Union's inclusion brings diverse perspectives and a focus on African issues to the G20.


Question-23: What are Africa's priorities related to industrialization and investment?

Answer. Africa seeks investment in industrialization to harness its resources and drive economic growth.


Question-24: Why is addressing immigration and job security important for Africa?

Answer. Solving these challenges ensures African youth have opportunities for employment within their continent.


Question-25: How has the Ukraine war affected Africa's food and security situation?

Answer. The conflict disrupted supplies, impacting food security in Africa, emphasizing the need for resolution.

Question-26: What discussions took place between the African Union, South Africa, and Russia regarding the Ukraine war?

Answer. They engaged in talks to address the consequences of the Ukraine conflict and seek solutions.


Question-27: Why is India's support crucial for providing food supplies and capacity building in Africa?

Answer. India's support is vital for food supplies and capacity building in Africa due to several key reasons:
  1. Enhancing African agricultural productivity.
  2. Transferring agricultural technology to improve crop yields.
  3. Equipping African farmers with essential skills and knowledge.
  4. Demonstrating global humanitarian commitment.
  5. Fostering economic partnerships and growth.
  6. Promoting sustainable and eco-friendly farming practices.
  7. Strengthening diplomatic ties with African nations.
  8. Fulfilling international responsibility as a G20 member.


Question-28: How would you describe the relationship between India and African countries?

Answer. It is characterized by cooperation, support, and shared objectives in various sectors.


Question-29: What were the key outcomes and agreements reached during the G20 Summit?

Answer. Key outcomes and agreements reached during the G20 Summit include:
  • Adoption of the New Delhi Leaders Summit Declaration.
  • Strengthening of multilateral development banks (MDBs) and boosting the World Bank's financing capacity.
  • Endorsement of the G20 roadmap for implementing recommendations on the capital adequacy framework for MDBs.
  • Global consensus on cryptocurrency regulation.
  • Formulation of recommendations on financial inclusion and productivity gains through digital infrastructure.
  • Consensus on a debt relief framework for Zambia, Ghana, and Ethiopia.
  • Progress on international taxation, including the exchange of information on immovable properties.
  • Inclusion of the African Union as a permanent member of the G20.
  • 100% consensus across all countries on all 83 paragraphs of the joint declaration.
  • Achievement of a major green development pact focusing on financing, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, establishing a global biofuel alliance, promoting sustainable development, and addressing plastic pollution.


Question-30: What are the expectations for future cooperation among G20 members after the summit?

Answer. Member nations aim to build on the summit's outcomes, fostering global collaboration for common goals.

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