Exploring the Cosmos with India's Gaganyaan Mission - Everything You Need to Know

Gaganyaan Mission 2023-2024-2025

Introduction to Gaganyaan Mission

Indian Spaceflight Mission Gaganyaan Mission: Recently, Gaganyaan Mission was getting into headlines after the announcement of First test flight of Gaganyaan Mission. It’s matter of proud for India that India going to launch their First Indigenously Developed Human Spaceflight Mission in 2025.

This news has fueled discussions about the Gaganyaan mission. There is a significant ongoing conversation about the mission, which is why, in this blog, we are going to provide you with all the information about the key aspects of the Gaganyaan mission.

This blog will also be important for those who are preparing for Competitive examinations in India. If you are also preparing for competitive examinations in India such as UPSC, SSC, CAT, SSB and many more, then, this article will help you to get the current affairs topic covered related to Gaganyaan Mission.

So, let’s start-


Details About Gaganyaan Mission

We have listed all the key details of the Gaganyaan Mission in the table below: 





Country of origin





Crewed orbital vehicle

Spacecraft type


Astronauts' names

Not yet announced

Launch mass

8,200 kg (18,100 lb) (includes service module)

Dry mass

3,735 kg (8,234 lb)

Crew capacity



Diameter: 3.5 m (11 ft), Height: 3.58 m (11.7 ft)


Low Earth orbit

Design life

7 days

Cost (Estimated)

₹12,400 crore (US$1.77 billion) approx. over 7 years

Gaganyaan mission launch year

Q2 2024 (uncrewed), NET 2025 (crewed)

Mission Director/Head/Chief

ISRO’S Scientist Dr. V. R. Lalithambika

Gaganyaan mission aim

Demonstration of human spaceflight capability




What is Gaganyaan Mission?

The Gaganyaan Mission is India's first manned spaceflight program, spearheaded by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). It aims to send a crew of Indian astronauts to space, make them orbit the Earth for a specified duration, and then bring them back safely.

This ambitious project seeks to demonstrate India's capability to undertake human spaceflight missions, laying the foundation for future, more advanced missions.

The Gaganyaan mission involves various scientific experiments in space, technology demonstrations, and the development of critical technologies such as human-rated launch vehicles, life support systems, and crew management aspects.



Latest Update on Gaganyaan Mission

We have added all the latest Updates related to this mission below. These updates are referred from “The Hindu News Paper”-

1.       The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is gearing up for the first test flight of the Gaganyaan mission, India's ambitious manned spaceflight program.

2.       Scheduled for October 21, this milestone event marks the commencement of unmanned tests, a crucial step toward sending Indian astronauts to space.

3.       The upcoming test, named Test Vehicle Abort Mission (TV-D1), will take place at the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota.

4.       The exercise aims to validate the functionality of the 'crew module' – the section of the spacecraft designed to house the astronauts.

5.       The test will involve launching the module into space, returning it to Earth, and safely recovering it post-touchdown in the Bay of Bengal.

6.       Adding an extra layer of safety, the mission includes a 'crew escape' system designed to safeguard astronauts in case of any issues during the spacecraft's ascent.

7.       If a problem arises, the system is expected to activate, separating the crew safely back to sea, where they will be retrieved by Navy personnel.

8.       Significantly, the TV-D1 test vehicle is an unpressurized, single-stage, liquid-fueled rocket built specifically for this abort mission.

9.       The payloads, consisting of the Crew Module (CM) and Crew Escape Systems (CES), will simulate an abort condition during the ascent, corresponding to a Mach number of 1.2.

10.   After the CES and CM separate from the Test Vehicle at approximately 17 km altitude, the abort sequence will initiate autonomously, deploying a series of parachutes to ensure the CM's safe oceanic touchdown, roughly 10 km off Sriharikota's coast.

11.   The success of this test will pave the way for the first unmanned Gaganyaan mission, culminating in the highly anticipated manned mission to low Earth orbit.

12.   Additionally, another test flight next year will feature "Vyommitra," a female robot astronaut, further solidifying India's commitment to space exploration.



Significance of Gaganyaan Mission

The Gaganyaan Mission is of paramount significance to India and its space program, marking a significant step forward in the country's pursuit of space exploration. Here are some of the key aspects that underscore the importance of the mission:

1.       National Pride and Prestige: The Gaganyaan Mission will propel India into an elite group of nations capable of conducting human spaceflight.

2.       Technological Advancement: The mission requires the development and mastery of various complex and advanced technologies, including human-rated launch vehicles, life support systems, and safety protocols.

3.       Scientific Research: Gaganyaan provides an opportunity for India to conduct unique scientific research in space. Experiments in microgravity and other aspects of space will yield valuable data that can enhance our understanding of space and life sciences.

4.       Education and Inspiration: The mission is expected to inspire the next generation of scientists, engineers, and space enthusiasts. It can stimulate interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) fields among young people.

5.       International Collaboration: The mission will foster international collaboration and partnerships.

6.       Economic Opportunities: The development of the Gaganyaan mission can boost the domestic aerospace industry and create numerous job opportunities.

7.       Human Resilience and Exploration Spirit: The Gaganyaan Mission underscores humanity's enduring fascination and quest for exploring the unknown.



Which Country Will Help India in Gaganyaan Mission

Russia will be a key partner in India's Gaganyaan mission. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has signed an agreement with Glavcosmos, a subsidiary of the Russian state corporation Roscosmos, for cooperation in various aspects of the mission.

This includes the selection, support, medical examination, and space training of Indian astronauts. Russia has extensive experience in human spaceflight and will provide valuable expertise and assistance to ISRO.

NPP Zvezda, a Russian company, has been contracted to manufacture customized Intra-Vehicular Activity (IVA) flight-suits for Indian astronauts. This international collaboration underscores the importance of cooperation in advancing space exploration.



Gaganyaan Mission Vyommitra

Vyommitra is a humanoid robot developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) as part of the Gaganyaan mission. She is designed to simulate human functions and can mimic activities like switching systems on and off and providing mission updates.

Vyommitra will be a part of the Gaganyaan mission's unmanned test flights, helping ISRO test and validate the systems and protocols before actual human astronauts are sent into space.

Incorporating Vyommitra in these test flights is a strategic move by ISRO to ensure that the mission's human-centric systems are robust, safe, and functional for the Indian astronauts who will later undertake the journey.



Objectives of Gaganyaan Mission

We have listed some of the key Objectives of this mission below:

1.       Demonstrate India's capability to conduct human spaceflight.

2.       Develop critical technologies for life support and crew safety.

3.       Conduct scientific research and experiments in microgravity.

4.       Promote technological innovation and development.

5.       Inspire and educate the next generation of scientists and engineers.

6.       Foster international collaboration and partnerships in space exploration.

7.       Enhance India's standing in the global space community.



FAQ’s related to Gaganyaan Mission

Question: What is the Gaganyaan mission?

Answer. Gaganyaan is India's first manned spaceflight program aiming to send Indian astronauts to space.

Question: What is the objective of the Gaganyaan mission?

Answer. The mission's main objectives are to demonstrate India's capability for human spaceflight, conduct scientific research, and foster international collaboration.

Question: What is the purpose of the Gaganyaan mission?

Answer. The purpose is to enhance India's space capabilities, stimulate technological development, inspire future generations, and promote international collaboration.

Question: What is the significance of the Gaganyaan mission?

Answer. The mission is significant for boosting national pride, advancing technology, inspiring a new generation, and positioning India as a key player in space exploration.

Question: Who is the mission director of Gaganyaan?

Answer. The mission director is ISRO’S Scientist Dr. V. R. Lalithambika.

Question: Who is the project director of the Gaganyaan mission?

Answer. The project director of Gaganyaan Mission is ISRO’S Scientist Dr. V. R. Lalithambika.

Question: What is the plan for the Gaganyaan mission?

Answer. The plan involves a series of test flights, technology development, astronaut training, and ultimately, sending Indian astronauts to space.

Question: What rocket will be used for the Gaganyaan mission?

Answer. The Human-rated LVM3 (HLVM3) rocket will be used.

Question: What is the current status of the Gaganyaan mission?

Answer. Currently, the First Test Flight of Gaganyaan Mission has been scheduled for 21 October 2023.

Question: Who are the crew members of the Gaganyaan mission?

Answer. The names of the crew members have not been announced yet. According to the plan the 7 Air force officers have selected for this mission and from those 7, 4 will be selected for the project. And, from those 4, 3 will be sent to the space. These 7 officers are taking their crucial training in Russia for now.

Question: What is the Gaganyaan manned mission?

Answer. The Gaganyaan manned mission is the main objective of the Gaganyaan program, which aims to send Indian astronauts to space.

Question: What are the latest updates on the Gaganyaan mission?

Answer. As of current status, the First Test Flight of Gaganyaan Mission have been scheduled to 21 October 2023.

Question: When will the Gaganyaan mission be launched?

Answer. The uncrewed test mission is expected to launch in 2024, with the crewed mission anticipated in 2025.

Question: Which country will help India in the Gaganyaan mission?

Answer. Russia will provide support in astronaut training and other aspects.

Question: What is Gaganyaan mission in Hindi?

Answer. गगनयान मिशन भारत का पहला मानव Spaceflight Mission है, जिसे Indian Space research Organization (ISRO) द्वारा चलाया जा रहा है। इस Mission का उद्देश्य अंतरिक्ष में तीन भारतीय Astronauts को भेजना है, जो कम से कम सात दिनों के लिए वहां रहेंगे। इस Mission के माध्यम से, भारत मानव Spaceflight Capability प्रदर्शित करेगा, साथ ही विभिन्न वैज्ञानिक अनुसंधान और प्रयोगों को भी अंजाम देगा।

इस मिशन के लिए विशेष तकनीकों और सिस्टम का विकास किया गया है, जैसे कि मानव योग्य लॉन्च वाहन, जीवन समर्थन प्रणाली, चालक दल की सुरक्षा प्रणाली, आदि। इसके अलावा, विभिन्न परीक्षण मिशन भी योजना बनाई गई हैं ताकि मानव स्पेसफ्लाइट मिशन से पहले तकनीकी तत्परता के स्तरों का प्रदर्शन किया जा सके।

मुख्य लॉन्च वाहन के रूप में, ह्यूमन रेटेड LVM3 (HLVM3) का उपयोग किया जाएगा, जो कि एक मानव योग्य संस्करण है जो चालक दल के साथ-साथ ऑर्बिटल मॉड्यूल को सुरक्षित रूप से अंतरिक्ष में ले जाएगा। इस मिशन के माध्यम से, भारत न केवल एक अंतरिक्ष शक्ति के रूप में अपनी स्थिति को मजबूत करेगा, बल्कि यह भी प्रेरित करेगा और वैज्ञानिक और तकनीकी क्षेत्रों में आगे की उन्नति को प्रोत्साहित करेगा।

Question: What are the tests related to the Gaganyaan mission?

Answer. Various tests, including Test Vehicle Abort Mission (TV-D1), are planned to validate technologies and systems.

Question: What is the latest update on the Gaganyaan mission?

Answer. As of now, the First Test Flight of Gaganyaan Mission have been scheduled to 21 October 2023.

Question: What is the launch date of the Gaganyaan mission?

Answer. The launch date of this mission has not been specified/announced yet. But, roughly, the uncrewed test mission is expected to launch in 2024, with the crewed mission anticipated in 2025.

Question: Who is the chief of the Gaganyaan mission?

Answer. The chief of this mission will be ISRO’S Scientist Dr. V. R. Lalithambika.

Question: Who is the head of the Gaganyaan mission?

Answer. The head of this mission will be ISRO’S Scientist Dr. V. R. Lalithambika.

Question: What is the cost of the Gaganyaan mission?

Answer. The estimated cost is ₹12,400 crore (US$1.77 billion) over seven years.

Question: What are the benefits of the Gaganyaan mission?

Answer. The benefits include technological advancement, scientific research, international collaboration, and inspiration for future generations.

Question: What is the budget of the Gaganyaan mission?

Answer. The estimated budget is ₹ 12,400 crore (US$1.77 billion) over seven years.

Question: What is the aim of the Gaganyaan mission?

Answer. The aim is to demonstrate India's capability for human spaceflight, conduct scientific research, and foster international collaboration.

Question: What are the current affairs related to the Gaganyaan mission?

Answer. The mission is in the development phase with various tests and preparations underway.

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