Why Bihar Demanding Special Status?

Special Status of Indian States


Why Bihar Demanding Special Status: In a significant move, the Bihar Cabinet has recently approved a resolution urging the Central government to confer special category status upon the state. This development comes on the heels of Chief Minister Nitish Kumar's ultimatum to initiate a movement if the demand for special status remains unaddressed.

The implications of this resolution are far-reaching, as it aims to secure substantial funding to fuel Bihar's welfare initiatives, particularly for its economically disadvantaged population.

Let’s know about this topic in detail.



What is the Special Status of a State in India?

In the context of Indian governance, special status denotes a unique classification conferred upon certain states based on distinctive criteria, enabling them to avail specific privileges and financial benefits.

Typically, states seeking special status grapple with identifiable challenges such as geographical disadvantages, socio-economic disparities, hilly terrain, a substantial tribal population, or economic backwardness. The designation is a mechanism for the central government to address the particular needs of these states comprehensively.

One of the primary advantages of special status is an increased share of Central funding, which can be crucial for the developmental initiatives of the concerned state. This additional financial support aims to bridge economic gaps, facilitate infrastructural development, and uplift marginalized communities within the state.

The concept is rooted in the recognition that a one-size-fits-all approach may not be suitable for a diverse country like India, where states face unique challenges based on their geographical and socio-economic characteristics.

Special status, once granted, empowers states to access resources and support tailored to their specific developmental requirements. It becomes a vital tool for fostering balanced growth and ensuring that no region is left behind in the overall progress of the nation.



Why Bihar Demanding the Special Status?

Bihar's demand for special status stems from its recognition of distinct socio-economic challenges that the state has been grappling with over the years. Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, in advocating for special status, highlights several key factors:

1.       Economic Disparities: Bihar faces significant economic disparities compared to more prosperous states. 

The demand for special status is grounded in the belief that it would attract additional resources and financial support, addressing the economic lag and fostering development.

2.       Population and Poverty: With around 94 lakh poor families, Bihar emphasizes the need for special status to fund comprehensive welfare schemes. 

The state aims to allocate substantial funds, approximately ₹2.50 lakh crore over five years, to uplift economically disadvantaged sections through targeted initiatives.

3.       Caste Survey Findings: Chief Minister Nitish Kumar cites the findings of a caste survey conducted by the state government as a basis for the demand. 

The survey prompted increases in caste-based quotas and the implementation of various welfare measures, further justifying the need for special status to support these initiatives.

4.       Developmental Initiatives: Bihar envisions utilizing the benefits of special status to enhance various developmental aspects, including increased job opportunities, improved infrastructure, and the provision of permanent housing for families living in impoverished conditions.

5.       Historical Pursuit: The demand for special status is not new; Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has been advocating for it since 2010. 

This persistence reflects a long-standing belief in the necessity of special status to address Bihar's unique challenges comprehensively.



How many states in India have the Special Status?

the concept of "Special Category Status" was officially replaced by the Finance Commission in 2015. The Fourteenth Finance Commission recommended a shift from granting special category status to providing increased devolution of funds to states based on a set formula, emphasizing fiscal autonomy.

Before this change, several states were granted special category status based on criteria like hilly and difficult terrain, low population density, and substantial tribal population. States with special category status received preferential treatment in terms of central assistance and grants.

Some of the states that historically enjoyed special category status include:

1. Assam

Special status likely facilitated increased central assistance, aiming to address economic and geographical challenges, particularly in the context of hilly terrain and tribal populations.


2. Nagaland

Special status may have resulted in enhanced financial support and resources to address the unique needs of Nagaland, including its tribal population and geographical characteristics.


3. Manipur

The implementation of special status in Manipur could have led to increased central funding, focusing on economic development and addressing challenges related to hilly terrain and tribal communities.


4. Mizoram

Special category status in Mizoram likely brought additional central assistance to address economic backwardness and support developmental initiatives, considering its hilly terrain and tribal demographics.


5. Arunachal Prades

Arunachal Pradesh, with special status, would have received increased financial support to overcome economic challenges associated with its remote location, hilly terrain, and tribal population.


6. Tripura

Special status for Tripura could have translated into increased central funding to boost economic development and infrastructure, addressing challenges specific to the state.


7. Meghalaya

The implementation of special status in Meghalaya would likely have resulted in increased central assistance to address economic and developmental challenges, particularly related to tribal populations.


8. Sikkim

Sikkim, with special status, would have received special considerations to overcome its unique geographical and economic challenges, likely leading to increased central support.


9. Himachal Pradesh

Special category status in Himachal Pradesh likely brought increased financial assistance and developmental support, aiding the state in overcoming economic challenges and promoting infrastructure development.


10. Uttarakhand

After the implementation of special status, Uttarakhand would likely have received increased central assistance, focusing on economic development and infrastructure in the hilly terrain.


11. Jammu and Kashmir

Before the revocation of Article 370, Jammu and Kashmir, with special status, had a significant degree of autonomy, including its constitution and decision-making powers. The changes post-revocation integrated Jammu and Kashmir more closely with the rest of India.



FAQs related to Special Status to the Indian States

Question: Which three states were given special status by the Indian Constitution?

Answer. The states with special status in the Indian Constitution were Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, and Uttarakhand.

Question: What special status is given to Jammu and Kashmir?

Answer. Jammu and Kashmir, before the abrogation of Article 370 in 2019, had a significant degree of autonomy and special status, including its constitution and decision-making powers.

Question: Why some states are given special status Class 10?

Answer. States are granted special status due to specific criteria such as geographical disadvantages, hilly terrain, substantial tribal populations, or economic backwardness.

Question: How many states have special status at present?

Answer. The concept of special category status had been discontinued. However, earlier, several states, including Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, and Uttarakhand, had special status.

Question: When was 370 removed?

Answer. Article 370, granting special status to Jammu and Kashmir, was abrogated on August 5, 2019.

Question: How Article 370 was removed?

Answer. Article 370 was removed through a Presidential Order and a resolution passed by both houses of Parliament.

Question: Which state comes under Article 371?

Answer. Various states come under different articles of the Constitution, like Article 371A for Nagaland and Article 371F for Sikkim, providing special provisions.

Question: What is meant by special status?

Answer. Special status implies a unique classification granted to certain states, entailing specific privileges and financial benefits to address their distinctive challenges. 

Question: Why special status is given to Assam?

Answer. Article 371B was granted to Assam due to its sizable tribal population in both hilly and plain areas, making it eligible for special benefits.

Question: What is the special status of Sikkim?

Answer. Sikkim was designated an "Associate State" through the 35th Amendment, a unique status not used by any other state.

Question: Is Article 370 permanent?

Answer. No, Article 370 was not permanent; it was abrogated in 2019, leading to the integration of Jammu and Kashmir into the rest of India.

Question: Who wrote Article 370?

Answer. Article 370 was drafted by Gopalaswami Ayyangar, a constitutional advisor to the Constituent Assembly of India.

Question: Why was Article 31 removed?

Answer. Article 31, which dealt with property rights, was removed to bring about land reforms and promote social justice.

Question: What are the special provisions of Mizoram?

Answer. Mizoram has special provisions under Article 371G, providing autonomy in certain matters like religious or social practices, customary law, and ownership of property.

Question: Why is Sikkim important to India?

Answer. Sikkim is strategically important to India due to its location, sharing borders with China and Nepal, and its geopolitical significance in the Himalayan region.

Question: When was Article 371 passed?

Answer. Various Article 371 provisions were included in the Constitution at different times, addressing specific needs of states like Nagaland, Mizoram, and others.

Question: What is Article 371A in Nagaland?

Answer. Article 371A provides special provisions for Nagaland, including autonomy in certain matters related to the Naga customary law and procedure.

Question: Why some states are given special status?

Answer. States are given special status to address their unique challenges such as geographical disadvantages, hilly terrain, substantial tribal populations, or economic backwardness.

Question: What are the 4 categories of states in India?

Answer. The states in India are generally categorized as Part A, Part B, Part C, and Part D states, historically based on the States Reorganisation Act, 1956.

Question: What does Article 370 state

Answer. Article 370 granted special status to Jammu and Kashmir, providing the state with a significant degree of autonomy, including its constitution and decision-making powers.

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